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News & events > | Media partnerships 2020 announced

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24 Feb 2020 | Media partnerships 2020 announced is pleased to announce the events selected through the open call for proposals for Media Partnerships published at the beginning of this year. 4 events have been selected in the first half of 2020 in Singapore, Indonesia, Russian Federation and Mongolia. As media partner, will promote the selected events with articles, interviews and event posts on the website, through social media channels and monthly newsletters.

1. Art-platform for development and promotion of Ural contemporary art
Where: Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation 
When: May 2020
A workshop and online platform to develop art writing and critical thinking about contemporary visual art in the Ural region.

2. Asian Festival, Connect Europe
Where: Sukoharjo, Indonesia
When: 25 July 2020
A contemporary dance festival that aims at stimulating creativity through interaction with the local environment.

3. Ulaanbaatar International Media Art Festival
Where: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
When: 6 June 2020
A new media and digital arts festival which includes performances, installations and workshops.

4. M1 Contact Contemporary Dance Festival 
Where: Singapore
When: 6 June 2020
An artist-led contemporary dance festival with an attitude of openness where every individual's point of view is valued.

Interested in partnering with us in  the second half of 2020? Don't miss the new open call that will open in June 2020.