identified as best practice on cultural diversity has been identified by UNESCO among the existing mechanisms and tools in the field of cultural expressions around the world in the context of the implementation of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and the Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2005) (thereafter referred to as the UNESCO Convention 2005).
This recognition by UNESCO comes through the document "Collecting Information, Data, Best Practices: Existing Mechanisms and Tools" prepared by the Secretariat of the UNESCO Convention 2005 following a request by the Third Intergovernmental Committee in December 2009. The document is now available on the new website of the UNESCO Convention 2005 and will be circulated to all UNESCO member States in preparation for the Fourth Ordinary Session of the Intergovernmental Committee of the Convention at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris from 29 November - 3 December 2010.
In keeping with its acknowledged role as an international platform for collecting information and best practices on the culture sector, is supporting the publication, "Mapping Cultural Diversity – Good Practices from Around the World", which will compile over 40 examples of innovative and sustainable projects on cultural diversity drawn from different fields including policy measures, media, the arts, research and education.
Mapping Cultural Diversity will be launched at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris on 29 November 2010 on the occasion of the Fourth Ordinary Session of the Intergovernmental Committee of the UNESCO Convention 2005. The publication is a collaborative endeavour with the German Commission for UNESCO with contributions by the U40 (Under 40ies) Network for Cultural Diversity 2030. The presentation and launch of the publication will be part of the special Information Session, “Cultural Expressions: Innovative Approaches and Data Collection Tools” on 29 November 2010.
Mapping Cultural Diversity will be available in both print and electronic versions. The electronic version of the publication will be available for download on the ASEF corporate website and from 29 November 2010.
Collecting Information_Data_Best Practices_Existing Mechanisms and Tools
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