ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

News & events > new community launched!

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14 Nov 2012 new community launched!

None is proud to introduce the newly redesigned community section.

The community is a space for collaboration, exchange and cultural engagement between artists, cultural practitioners and policy makers from Asia and Europe.

The platform is looking for relevant projects and ideas that will enrich the main sections of the portal site. With this new redesigned interface, it is also seeking to highlight the most interesting content published by members, blogs and groups.

We invite you to share your projects and ideas that reflect the values of our online platform in the field of creative industries, cultural policy, heritage, and beyond. Your contributions will be showcased as good practices that encourage exchanges between artists, practitioners and policy makers across the two regions.

Share your ideas, showcase your work, create your own blog, participate in forum discussions and network with thousands of other members!