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03 Jun 2016

Culturizing Sustainable Cities | project examples

None fluid city

The Culturizing Sustainable Cities project, based at University of Coimbra, Portugal, has selected around 50 project examples following an international open call for projects. Three broad categories guide the examples: Restore ecosystems - re-nature cities; Co-build better city/community through in situ actions; Generate and demonstrate alternative ways of living.

Find out more about the processes demonstrating how culture and creativity are becoming embedded into sustainable cities around the world and read about some inspiring projects.

Following an initial review and organization of project examples submitted/identified during 2014-2015, approximately 50 examples were selected that were most in keeping with the intents of the research project. Through an iterative process, they were sorted into three broad categories based on the macro goals that guided them. We welcome additional examples - please contact the Culturizing Sustainable Cities project.

Are you involved in such an initiative? Culturizing Sustainable Cities is still looking for project examples - you can contribute your information here - more examples from Asia and Europe please!

How can artistic/cultural practices be embedded within the planning and development of more sustainable cities? We are searching for examples, from anywhere in the world, of two types of initiatives:

  • Development / implementation of policy and other actions of local authorities to integrate culture into local sustainable city planning and public policies, and to support art-environment activities; and

  • Local artistic/heritage/cultural activities involving local residents that help connect people to the environment and develop more sustainable living practices.

Image: from Fluid City - Auckland, New Zealand | The Roving Laboratory, Roaming Cinema and Story-Telling Vessel at Wynyard Quarter. Photo: James Hutchinson