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News & events > Cyprus | European forum on music and cultural diplomacy

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09 Jun 2017 - 11 Jun 2017

Cyprus | European forum on music and cultural diplomacy

None The 7th European Forum on Music takes place 9-11 June in Pafos, Cyprus, on the theme 'Music and Cultural Diplomacy: Linking Continents – Bridging Cultures'.  Registration is open to music practitioners, networks, organisations, teachers and other music enthusiasts and professionals to exchange, learn and network on culture and music as soft powers. 7th European Forum on Music 9 - 11 June 2017 in Pafos, Cyprus 11 - 12 June 2017 - General Assembly of the International Association of Music Information Centres (IAMIC) and the International Music Council (IMC) Registration open
/'fɔːɹəm/ "A meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged" And that’s exactly what the 7th European Forum on Music is going to be – an occasion for music practitioners, networks, organisations, teachers, emerging professionals, or simply music enthusiasts to come together and exchange, in an open, dynamic and friendly city that is Pafos. Culture Diplomacy can be used as general term for external foreign cultural policies of many (European) countries and is often represented by national cultural institutes, such as Goethe Institute, British Council, Institut Français and others. Culture and music are soft powers that are used for dialogue when political exchange is stuck. They are means to engage peacefully in an international context. In June 2016, the EU adopted a 'Strategy for international cultural relations' aiming at “encouraging cultural cooperation between the EU and its partner countries and promoting a global order based on peace, the rule of law, freedom of expression, mutual understanding and respect for fundamental values.” Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy said: "Culture has to be part and parcel of our foreign policy. Culture is a powerful tool to build bridges between people, notably the young, and reinforce mutual understanding. It can also be an engine for economic and social development. As we face common challenges, culture can help all of us, in Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia, stand together to fight radicalisation and build an alliance of civilisations against those trying to divide us. This is why cultural diplomacy must be at the core of our relationship with today's world." Therefore, with this edition of the European Forum on Music, we would like to look at how civil society initiatives engage in this field of “music and cultural diplomacy” and how music can build bridges and be a tool for peace and social cohesion.