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News & events > Dance Connect links dance artists from India, Spain and Portugal

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15 Sep 2015

Dance Connect links dance artists from India, Spain and Portugal

None dance-connectDance Connect is a project between Attakalari (India) and two European Dancehouse Network (EDN) members, Graner/Mercat de les Flors Barcelona (Spain) and O Espaço do Tempo Montemor-o-Novo (Portugal). It is supported under the Asia-Europe Foundation Creative Encounters programme

The festival Dance Umbrella is also cooperating with this initiative.

The aim of Dance Connect is to facilitate the mobility of Indian emerging choreographers within European institutions including residency and presentation formats.

A selection of artists is offered an artistic and technical residency together with a meet and greet with the European local contexts including the visit to some festivals and encounters with local artists, worshops, amongst others.

The selected artists to participate in Dance Connect are Hemabharathy Palani with the piece Twine, Prassana Saika with Diabolique and Surjit Nongmeikapan with Nerves. This selection was done during the EDN Outreach to Bangalore (Attakkalari Biennial), a visit that offered the opportunity to meet the creators in their local context.

9 artists in total will visit Barcelona in September for a residency stage and a presentation. In the beginning of October they will move to Montemor-o-Novo for a second period of residency. The Dance Umbrella festival will present the shows and workshops by the selected artists. The Attakkalari Biennial will include the performances in the program for the edition of 2016 and will organize a tour in other cities in South Asia.

The Dance Connect project is one of three projects selected for the Asia-Europe Creative Encounters programme in 2015. Read more about ASEF Creative Encounters.