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News & events > Destination 2011 - 2021 | 6th International Conference of Design for Sustainability
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17 Dec 2011 - 17 Dec 2011
Destination 2011 - 2021 | 6th International Conference of Design for Sustainability
The 6th International Conference of Design for Sustainability chose Asian Sustainability as its theme this year. By considering the locality, diversity, culture, climate, communities, industries, and lifestyles across Asia, new possibilities for sustainability can emerge. The following 4 sub-themes have been identified as a framework for the conference: Asian culture and climate, grass-roots innovation, social business and inclusive design, and resilient construction.
Speakers include Masaru Kataoka, creator of the first fair trade company in Japan, and proponent of social entrepreneurship across Asia, Sameer Sawakar, innovator and engineer from India, Takuto Motomura, leading sustainable practices in product development for underprivileged people, Keisuke Oki, media designer, Teruo Kurosaki, product designer, Tamaki Oshikiri, exhibition planner, and Daichi Iwase, researcher at Mahidol University in Thailand.
See programme schedule
This event is organized by the Executive Committee for the International Conference of Design for Sustainability in partnership with Granma Inc, and Chiiki Ishin Group.
It is supported by:
The Japan Environmental Management Association for Industry/JEMAI
The Global Environmental Forum /GEF
The Organization of Advertising Creation/OAC
Japan Craft Design Association/JCDA
Japan Display Design Association/DDA
Japan Design Protect Association/JDPA
Japan Sign Design Association/SDA
Japan Jewelry designers Association/JJDA
Japan Package Design Association/JPDA
NPO Green Map Japan
NPO Bicycle Ecology Japan
NPO The Millenniumcity
University of Tsukuba
Kuwasawa Design School
Tokyo Zokei University & Graduate School of Tokyo Zokei University
Green Purchasing Network
International Green Purchasing Network
Nature Technology Research Consortium
o2 Japan
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