The Ignite! Festival of Contemporary Dance, organised by the Gati Dance Forum in partnership with the Goethe Institut Max Mueller Bhavan, in New Delhi (India) from 10th - 13th November 2010, aims to encourage a dialogue on contemporary dance, using performances, master classes, seminars and other opportunities for interaction between artists and practitioners from Asia and Europe.
The Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) has been invited to share its rich experience in supporting capacity building and networking in the field of contemporary dance in Asia and Europe through Pointe to Point, Asia-Europe Dance Forum in the seminar Conceiving Connections. This seminar, mediated by dance critic Sadanand Menon, sets out to facilitate exchange and discussion between existing dance organisations, artists, choreographers, academics as well as patrons.
By supporting Ignite!, ASEF has helped to gather more than 40 dance creators and practitioners from different ASEM countries. During the four days of the Festival, participants will meet and exchange ideas and fuel a bi-regional dialogue on contemporary dance issues experienced in different parts of the world.
The programme includes a series of innovative dance performances by Indian choreographers such as Padmini Chettur, Aditi Mangaldas and Navtej Johar, alongside parallel explorations by choreographers from Belgium, Norway and United Kingdom.
The Gati Dance Forum is a Delhi-based organisation created and run by independent dancers and choreographers on a non-profit voluntary basis. Formed in 2007, this Forum emerged from a general need, felt by local independent artists and choreographers, for a dedicated platform of expression and exchange in the field of dance
For more information, please visit: Dance ForumGoethe Institut Max Mueller Bhavan