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20 Dec 2012

Digital Engagement Framework for cultural organisations

Digital Engagement Framework for cultural organisations
Digital engagement is not a game of luck, it's a game of strategy. Organisations that consistently out-perform their competition online have something in common that they address their digital media systematically and strategically.

The Digital Engagement Framework for cultural organisations was presented recently at ICOM's International Committee on Management (INTERCOM) 2012 conference in Sydney, Australia.

The Framework starts by breaking down the process of successful digital engagement into three parts:
  • Why? Every successful digital strategy starts with answering the why-question. Why are you on Facebook or do you invest in a mobile app?
  • What? When you know where you want to go, the next step is to determine the digital activities that might get you there.
  • How? Finally, the how-question helps you determine how to make the activities happen.

Developed by a team with years of experience implementing digital media in organisations it allows anyone to design a successful digital engagement strategy for their organisation in a team workshop or more individual process.

Download the free workbook on the Digital Engagement Framework website.
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