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News & events > European Film Promotion gets a new Board

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29 May 2013

European Film Promotion gets a new Board

None The members of European Film Promotion (EFP) have elected a new Board of Directors at EFP General Assembly during the Cannes Film Festival earlier this month. The Board is composed of seven members and the term of office lasts for two years. Christian J. Lemche (Danish Film Institute) has been confirmed as EFP President. Martin Schweighofer (Austrian Film Commission) has been elected as EFP Vice President. New representatives on the board are Cristian Hordilă (Romanian Film Promotion), Françoise Lentz (Film Fund Luxembourg) and Teresa McGrane (Irish Film Board).

EFP-President Christian J. Lemche commented on his re-election, “I would like to thank the EFP members and the Board of Directors for re-electing me as the President of European Film Promotion. I believe it’s important that we keep evaluating and developing our activities in order to meet the challenges that follow with the changes in the economy and the film industry. Soon, we will see how the new Creative Europe programme takes off, and it will be an important task for the new EFP Board to see which possibilities this creates for European Film Promotion.”

The number of participating countries in the EFP network has in the meantime increased from 10 to 36 countries from all over Europe. Renate Rose has been the managing director since EFP was established in 1997. EFP is financially supported by the MEDIA Programme of the European Union, its member organisations, and public and private sponsors.

(Via EEP Press Release dated - 21.05.2013)