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News & events > [Exhibition] Chinese and Japanese porcelain in Genoa, Italy

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01 Jan 2012 - 24 Feb 2013

[Exhibition] Chinese and Japanese porcelain in Genoa, Italy

Chinese and Japanese ceramics On display at the Chiossone Museum of Oriental Art (Museo d’Arte Orientale Edoardo Chiossone) in Genoa are 120 ceramics which testifies to the wide variety of Chinese and Japanese ceramics produced during the 16th to the 19th centuries. Visitors to this exhibition are able to reflect on the artistic and cultural background to these creations in porcelain. The impact of the Chinese and Japanese porcelain on European taste which eventually led to the production of European ceramics will also be explored in this exhibition. The porcelain on display come from the collection of the Musei Civici Genoese. This exhibition was conceived and curated by Donatella Failla, director of the Chiossone Museum of Oriental Art.