Exhibition: "Cool Japan" | The Netherlands

Historical and contemporary
From the instantly recognisable Japanese horror to ‘cute fashion’ from the streets of Tokyo, "Cool Japan" brings it all together. With top historical items from its world-famous Japanese collection, Museum Volkenkunde aims to show that today’s icons are part of a long tradition. The exhibition features both contemporary art and work by Katsushika Hokusai, known as the ‘Rembrandt of Japan’. The most eye-catching exhibit is the four-metre tall painting Uki-Uki by Matsuura Hiroyuki, featuring old and new elements (a traditional kimono and manga), in a perfect illustration of the exhibition’s core message.
For fans and newcomers
In the context of the exhibition "Cool Japan", there will be lots to see and lots to do. Visitors can game to their heart’s content on classic arcade machines and the latest game computers. Comic book fanatics will be able to choose from thousands of mangas. A whole range of activities and events are also planned on the theme of Japanese culture. "Cool Japan" is a spectacular and exquisitely designed exhibition for both fans and newcomers, young and old. A "Cool Japan Weekend" is planned for 29-30 April, and other activities are planned for the coming months as well. "Cool Japan" is sponsored by the Blockbusterfonds, the BankGiroLoterij, and the Prince Bernhard Cultural Fund. For additional information about the exhibition "Cool Japan", please visit https://volkenkunde.nl/en/exhibition-cool-japanSimilar content
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