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News & events > Faces of Asia | photo exhibition | Korea

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21 Jul 2010 - 31 Jul 2010

Faces of Asia | photo exhibition | Korea

None The Association of Asian Documentary Photographers presents an exhibition of work by Korean, Chinese and Japanese photographers. The exhibition ' Faces of Asia' is designed to show the commonality and differences among the three Asian countries, thereby providing an opportunity for coexistence based upon an understanding of one another's culture. It shows the lifestyles and cultural characteristics of Korea, China and Japan from the various perspectives of the three countries' representative photographers based on the essence of photography - reality and documentation. About 30 representative documentary photographers from Korea, China and Japan will be featured on the exhibition. The exhibition is supported by the Korea Foundation and takes place at the Korea Foundation Cultural Center in Seoul, "a space for international cultural exchanges". Want to know more about Asian documentary photography?  Read Asian Art article about Indonesian documentary photographers