Flavor the best of Cinema in Dharamshala
Dharamshala, once a sleepy town in the foothills of the North Indian Himalaya, is now a global destination, the exile home of the Dalai Lama, the capital of the Tibetan diaspora, and more recently, an international cricket venue. All year round, thousands of visitors from all over India and around the world clog its narrow streets, drawn by the beauty of its mountain setting and its curious mix of local Gaddi, Tibetan and international cultures. Crowded with multi-cuisine restaurants, cafes, bookshops and video parlours, Dharamshala exudes a cosmopolitanism that belies its size.
As filmmakers based in Dharamshala, Ritu Sarin and Tenzing Sonam, of
White Crane Films have long believed that the town’s unusual profile would make it a perfect location for an international film festival. It is with this in mind that they are launching
the first edition of the Dharamshala International Film Festival from 1st to 4th November 2012.
Their aim is to establish DIFF as a world-class film festival where filmmakers and film lovers can interact in an intimate, creative and informal way. Showcasing the best of recent Indian and world cinema, both fiction and documentary, they hope to bring meaningful cinema to the mountains and promote and encourage local filmmaking talent.
1 November 2012
6 PM – Opening +
Shahid (India; 2012; 123 min)
2 November 2012
10:30 AM –
Hara Kiri: Death of a Samurai (Japan; 2011; 126 min)
1 PM –
Yangsi (USA; 2012; 82 min)
3:30 PM –
Deool (India; 2011; 135 min)
6.30 PM –
5 Broken Cameras (Palestine/Israel; 2011; 90 min)
9 PM –
Pina (Germany, 2011; 106 min)
3 November 2012
10:30 AM –
Gattu (India; 2012; 90 min)
12:30 PM –
When Hari Got Married (India; 2012; 75 min)
2:30 PM –
Bunohan (Return to Murder) (Malaysia; 2011; 97 min)
5 PM –
My Reincarnation (USA; 2012; 82 min)
7.30 PM –
Special Outdoor Screening
4 November 2012
11 AM –
Kshay (92 min)
1 PM –
1/2 Revolution (Denmark/Egypt; 2012; 72 min)
3 PM –
Senna (UK; 2010; 106 min)
6 PM –
Miss Lovely (India; 2012; 110 min)
2 November 2012
10:30 AM –
José and Pilar (117 mins)
1 PM –
Marina Abramović The Artist is Present (104 min)
3:30 PM –
Special Event*
6:30 PM –
Shanghai (India; 2012; 110 min)
3 November 2012
10:30 AM –
Nostalgia for the Light (Chile; 2010; 90 min)
12:30 PM –
Fable of the Fish (Philippines; 2011; 84 min)
2:30 PM –
Oka! (USA; 2011; 106 min)
5 PM –
China Heavyweight (China; 2012; 94 min)
4 November 2012
10 AM –
HaHaHa (South Korea; 2010; 115 min)
1 PM –
Special Event*
3 PM –
Summer Pasture (USA; 2010; 85 min)
6 PM –
Dile Ch Vasya Koi (India; 2011; 86 min)
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