France | Digital Heritage 2013 | international conference

Covering heritage in all forms, from the built (UNESCO’s World Heritage), to cultural traditions and folklife (UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage), museums and objects, and documentary heritage (UNESCO’s Memory of the World Programme), the Congress is set to be the largest gathering of its kind.
Archaeologists, architects, artists, historians, museologists, planners, conservationists, anthropologists, engineers, environmentalists, computer scientists, new media experts, film makers, and more will jointly explore the best of digital heritage. Whether you are a teacher or student, professional or amateur, diplomat or citizen, you are invited to attend. Over four days, parallel tracks will see presentations of best practices and innovative solutions, as well as panels, educational workshops, and policy debates. A public exhibition and video screening will also be organized.
Call for papers, presentations, videos - deadline June 23 2013 - submission guidelines
The International Scientific Committee of the Congress is seeking:
- technical and application papers;
- posters and short works;
- panel, workshop and tutorial proposals;
- videos for a public screening;
- applications/installations for a public exhibition of digital heritage and digital art.
Submissions are sought in six tracks spanning the challenges and opportunities brought by digital technology to heritage:
- Digitization track: Digital documentation and input;
- Visualization track: Digital presentation and output;
- Analysis track: Digital content management and analysis;
- Policy track: Digital heritage policy and societal issues;
- Preservation track: Digital preservation and standards; and
- Projects track: Digital heritage solutions and best practices.
Works can be submitted around one or more heritage themes and technical tracks. Submissions may be theoretical or applied but must be original, innovative and previously unpublished.
A rich array of panels, workshops and special sessions are being organized by the many federating event chairs. Selected submissions will also be invited by the federated event chairs to participate in relevant special sessions.
A two-volume publication is being produced in collaboration with IEEE and Eurographics. Selected papers will be republished in a number of prestigious journals to be determined, including the ACM Journal on Computers in Cultural Heritage.
Registration for conference opens 30 July
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