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15 Dec 2011

Funding Opportunities for International Cultural Exchange in Asia | research project

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The Asia-Europe Foundation and its online platform are conducting a research on Funding Opportunities for International Cultural Exchange in Asia. The research will focus on mapping resources for funding in Asian countries which allow individuals or organizations to engage/take part in international cultural exchange.

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Online Survey: Funding Opportunities for International Cultural Exchange in Asia

The need to map information on existing funding in Asia was raised by ASEF during specific discussions on availability of mobility funds in Asia set up for cultural professionals and funding agencies during the TPAM –IETM Satellite Meeting held in Yokohama, Japan, in February 2011.  The aim of this research is thus to make it easier for artists and cultural organizations to search for funding and for funders to show the gaps in funding the arts in Asia.

This research is done in cooperation with Japan Center, Pacific Basin Arts Communication (PARC),  Japan Foundation, Korea Arts Management Service (KAMS) , Arts Network Asia (ANA) and India Foundation for the Arts (IFA) . It builds on the Guide to Funding Opportunities for the International Mobility of Artists and Culture Professionals in Europe, conducted by On the Move and PRACTICS.

The desk research will be conducted by Marie Le Sourd who from 1999 till 2006 was in charge of programmes in the Cultural Exchange Department of the Asia-Europe Foundation. In September 2006, she joined the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as the director of the French Cultural Centre in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. From January 2012, Marie Le Sourd will be the Secretary General of the cultural mobility information network On the Move, based in Brussels.

In addition to this desk research platform also launches an online survey  to enable the study to cover as many funding opportunities as possible. The survey will be available online from 15th of December 2011 and we kindly ask for your feedback before the 15th of January 2012. We thank you in advance for your cooperation in filling out the questionnaire, the relevance of this mapping depending a lot on the involvement of all engaged in the arts and culture in Asia.

An introduction to the topic of the research and will be given by Ms. Katelijn Verstraete, Assistant Director, Cultural Exchange Department of Asia-Europe Foundation on the occasion of her presentation on ‘Funding the arts in Asia” at the conference on “Sustainable Cultural Policy and Cultural Management in a Globalized World”organised by the The Goethe-Institut Vietnam, in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture MoCST Vietnam and with the participation of the Institut Francais - L'Espace and the British Council. The focus of the conference is to discuss specifically on different models of government and private funding in the arts.

If you have any further questions or suggestion, please do not hesitate to contact us and our researcher at the following email address:

Photo courtesy of Louisa Bufardeci