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News & events > German Film Week in Hanoi | Goethe Institut

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06 Jan 2012 - 11 Jan 2012

German Film Week in Hanoi | Goethe Institut

None This January, the Goethe-Institute Hanoi presents a German Film Week starting on January 6th until January 11th. Seven new films will be projected, giving the audience a chance to take a glimpse at Germany’s latest film productions. “Soul Kitchen”, the most recent film of the director Fatih Akin, is the opening film of this week, followed by the teen film “Sascha”, treating the issue of a 19 year old boy’s coming-out. “Gravity” is a socio-critical comedy, which relates to the current financial crisis. On the evening of January 9th, short films of a variety of genres from drama to comedy will be projected during a 70-minute screening session. The German Film Week's programming aims to present a large array of unusual films directed by well known and emerging young filmmakers. See film schedule


Soul Kitchen

Director: Fatih Akin Actors: Adam Bousdoukos, Birol Ünel, Moritz Bleibtreu, Anna Bderke, Pheline Roggan, Dorka Gryllus, Wotan Wilke Möhring, Monika Bleibtreu Time: 100 min. Year of release: 2009 Produced in: Germany Zino is a loser. His girlfriend Nadine moves to Shanghai for a new job and then he suffers, uninsured, because he cannot afford a health insurance, a herniated disc. He is the owner of the Bar “Soul Kitchen” in Hamburg. Unfortunately even the bar is not running as smoothly as hoped-for. And when Ilias, Zino’s petty criminal brother appears on his doorstep during his day release, more trouble is building up. Fatih Akin, the producer of “Gegen die Wand”, “Solino” and “Auf der anderen Seite” won the German Film Award in addition to numerous awards.


Director: Maximilian Erlenwein Actor: Fabian Hinrichs, Jürgen Vogel, Nora von Waldstätten, Jule Böwe, Eleonore Weisgerber, Thorsten Merten Time: 100 min. Year of release: 2009 Produced in: Germany When the bank clerk Frederik Feinermann terminates a customer’s loan, the man shoots himself in front of Frederik’s eyes. Frederik is shocked and decides to change his life: He contacts his old friend and ex-con Vince Holland. Together the two make an unbeatable team of criminals. Innovative, creative and cruel. In his opinion Frederik is creating a type of justice. But the initial joy becomes bitter seriousness. And when he tries to win back his puppy love’s heart, he discovers a deep secret…

The cloud

Director: Georg Schnitzler Actors: Paula Kalenberg, Franz Dinda, Hans-Laurin Beyerling, Karl Kranzkowski, Richy Müller Carina Wiese Time: 102 min. Year of release: 2006 Produced in: Germany  An incident occurs in the nuclear power station Schweinfurt. Shortly afterwards a radioactive cloud has evolved, which is contaminating the circuit. The inhabitants are escaping. Hannah and Elmar are at school when the catastrophe takes place. During their escape both are separated and Hannah flees together with her brother. She gets caught in the contaminated rain and wakes up in a hospital, alone. But when she finally meets her great love again, she gains new hope.


Director: Dennis Todorović Actors: Sascha Kekez, Zeljika Preksavec, Predrag Bjelać, Jasin Mjumjunov, Lupo-Grujcic Ljubisa, Yvonne Yung Hee Bormann, Tim Bergmann Time: 101 min. Year of release: 2010 Produced in: Germany The 18 year old Sascha lives in Cologne together with his family, who has immigrated from ex-Jugoslavia. Sascha is about to attend the entrance exam for his music studies, when he discovers that he has fallen in love with his piano teacher Gebhard. He entrusts himself to Jiao, who has got her own problems with her strict father and who is furthermore in love with Sascha. He is devided between his feelinfs to Gebhard and the fear of his family’s reaction, who would perceive a gay son as an unforgivable shame.

Short films

Time: 63 min. Year of release: 2009/2010 Produced in: Germany
  • Now you will see the following, 5 Min.
  • As always, 7 Min.
  • Manolo, 19 Min.
  • Small bread rolls, 5 Min.
  • Between sky and earth, 15 Min.
  • It’s me, Helmut., 12 Min.

Whisky with Vodka

Director: Andreas Dresen Actors: Henry Hübchen, Corinna Harfouch, Sylvester Groth, Markus Hering, Valery Tscheplanowa Time: 104 min. Year of release: 2008 Produced in: Germany The aging actor Otto Kulberg has got a drinking problem. He collapsed during a shooting day and he is not able to continue. The director is concerned that the film will not be finished together with Otto as the leading actor, and he decides to double staff his role. But the competition between him and his replacement Arno Runge doesn’t stay confined to the set. Soon the two find themselves as rivals in real life and eventually schemes against each other are soon to come.

The hairdresser

Director: Doris Dörrie Actors: Gabriela Maria Schmeide, Natascha Lawiskus, Rolf Zacher, Ill-Young Kim, Maren Großmann Time: 108 min. Year of release: 2010 Produced in: Germany Kathi König lives alone with her daughter in Berlin and she is unemployed. She applies for a job as a hairdresser, and she gets refused because of her being overweight and not being aesthetic enough for this profession. As a result she decides to open her own salon- against all odds. But she doesn’t give up: together with the petty criminal Joe she smuggles in a group of Vietnamese to Germany, to earn the seed money for her salon. Together with the warm-hearted family Kathi can open a new chapter of her life… -- Image: It's Me Helmut, 12-minute short. Source: Goethe Institut Hanoi