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News & events > Germany | Asian Culture Festival showcases Vietnamese culture

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03 Sep 2013

Germany | Asian Culture Festival showcases Vietnamese culture

None dragon-dancingAn Asian Culture Festival with the theme “Fire and Water” was held in August on Amity Island in the city of Potsdam, Germany. This year, Vietnam was host to the festival so it had the colours of a Vietnam cultural festival, with the theme “Vietnam – land of dragons”.

The cultural festival this year was organized by the Thang Long Business Association in Potsdam, Vietnamese Business Association in Germany and Friends’ Association of the island under the auspices of the Vietnamese Ambassador to Germany Nguyen Thi Hoang Anh.

The festival was held successfully with the support and assistance of the administration of Brandenburg state and Potsdam city, the enthusiastic participation of many Vietnamese organizations in Germany, and contributions of many Vietnamese and German businesses.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Ambassador Nguyen Thi Hoang Anh delivered a brief introduction about Vietnamese culture and art and thanked the administrations of Brandenburg state and Potsdam city for creating favourable conditions for Vietnam to introduce its culture to German and international friends.

Representatives of Brandenburg state and Potsdam city appreciated the contribution of the Vietnamese community to the area’s economic development, and enriching the cultural life of the locality.

During the festival, a lavish procession including 100 people wearing ceremonial dress paraded with a copper thurible, water and fire to the temple for national ancestors, which represented the legend of Lac Long Quan and Au Co.

A 200 square meter gallery on the island exhibited 30 poems of the Ly – Tran Dynasty, selected and illustrated by poet Nguyen Duy and Dr. Frank Gerke translated into German.

At the exhibition, a collection of poems including 30 poems by poet Nguyen Duy on “do” paper, which is traditionally produced in Vietnam from the bark of the rhamnoneuron balansae, and some works of XQ embroidery were also introduced. Besides, a program including traditional music and dance was performed.


Image: Dragon dancing at the festival (Source: VNA)