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News & events > Germany | Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum

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25 Jun 2012 - 27 Jun 2012

Germany | Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum


The fifth Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum will take place from 25 to 27 June 2012 in Bonn. "Culture. Education. Media - Shaping a Sustainable World" is title of this international conference.

On the programme, Overturning Cultural Imperialism - The Asian Wave, on 27 June, is hosted by Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC). The panel of speakers includes Katelijn Verstraete, Deputy Director of the ASEF Cultural Exchange Department, and the session will look at whether cultural diversity is threatened by globalization in an era when the flow of Asia-centric culture, music and media is reversing previous Western-dominated patterns. In 2002, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to declare the ten-year period from 2005-2014 the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. Taking an interim look reveals that the matter has lost none of its relevance. It is increasingly evident that education, culture and upbringing form the key to peaceful co-existence and a sustainable future. The 2012 Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum addresses these issues, focusing on the role of the media. Catchphrases such as global education and lifelong learning, intercultural dialogue and education for all have become synonymous with humanity’s future viability. Education is an essential factor for meeting the many challenges posed by globalization. Initiatives and campaigns around the world don’t limit themselves to the transfer of knowledge; they aim to firmly anchor sustainable values in education systems. The 2012 Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum will examine the role and responsibility of the media with their images and messages. How can media contribute constructively to cultural diversity? How can they serve to enhance awareness of the essential importance of education for sustainable development? Can media themselves carry out educational activities? Do they serve as a role model for presenting and conveying educational content?