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News & events > Get Ready for #MuseumWeek 2017

By Jordi Baltà Portolés

10 Jun 2017

Get Ready for #MuseumWeek 2017

  #MuseumWeek is an annual, international online event celebrating and showcasing all things from museums and cultural institutions over 7 days, with 7 themes and 7 hashtags. This year's edition, held over 19-25 June, will provide an opportunity for museums and cultural institutions to share and discuss their special passions with the public on social networks, using hashtags dedicated to the event. Participation in #MuseumWeek 2017 is open to artists, museums, libraries, galleries, archives, foundations, science centres, and similar institutions, providing an opportunity to share efforts for a week and to give visibility to their assets, activities and aims. The initiative will take place mainly on social media platform Twitter. Alongside thousands of other museums and cultural organisations, ASEMUS is joining #MuseumWeek 2017 and will be sharing contents related to its themes and hashtags next week. Last year, audiences were able to engage with a massive, wide and versatile cultural production: in one week, 664,000 tweets were seen more than 294 million times. This year's central themes include women and lifestyle.

A tribute to women

#MuseumWeek is committed to the cause of gender equality, so #MuseumWeek 2017 is dedicated to all women in the World. Thus, on top of the regular daily hashtags mentioned below, museums are invited to share publications around the “Women and Culture” theme with the #WomenMW hashtag, throughout the week.

Lifestyles: 7 days, 7 themes, 7 hashtags

A theme and hashtag related to one aspect of lifestyle has been chosen for each day between 19 and 25 June, as follows:
  • Monday 19 June: #FoodMW
  • Tuesday 20 June: #SportsMW
  • Wednesday 21 June: #Music MW (21 June is the International Music Day)
  • Thursday 22 June: #StoriesMW
  • Friday 23 June: #BooksMW
  • Saturday 24 June: #TravelsMW
  • Sunday 25 June: #HeritageMW

Register Now!

All museums and cultural facilities from public or private sector are invited to take part in this unique cultural event on social networks. In 2016, more than 3500 organisations in 75 countries registered. Registration can be done for free at

Further information

#MuseumWeek 2017 is managed by a non-profit organisation and has received the support of UNESCO. For additional information about #MuseumWeek 2017, available in several languages, please visit