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News & events > Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Art

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26 Sep 2016 - 25 Oct 2016

Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Art

None Sheila-Hicks-Embassy-of-Chromatic-Delegates-installation-2015-2016-Photo-by-Cristobal-Zañartu The Weaving & We: 2016 Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Art was unveiled on September 25 2016 and runs till October 25.  Ever since its first launch three years ago, we’ve been focusing not only on the history of art or of this industry, but also on the educational creation of art colleges and local production, so as to refresh our view toward our living world from the perspective of fiber art. Please note that the opening of the Triennial was delayed from the planned opening - read more here  The theme “fiber art” signifies our attentions and respects to flexible materials as a means of spirit and expression in art creation. It is a flexible yet resilient medium, a constantly improving, dynamic and unstable platform. By highlighting fiber flexible material as a carrier of art creation, we hope to explore the spirit of the times and relevant thoughts recorded in this industry. The Weaving & We: 2016 Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Art is curated by Liu XiaoXu Jia and Assadour Markarov. The 2016 program will not only continue 2013′s sessions, but also develop a series of local on-spot exhibitions, “Fab-Lab”(Weaving Workshop, an international art training program and artists’ talks, World Wide Weaving, an opening lecture and seminar “Textile Thinking,” a parallel exhibition, Liang Shaoji’s solo exhibition, Liang Shaoji: Cloud above Cloud and many other multithreaded strategic activities, all featuring the theme of “Weaving & We.” Take a look at the participating artists 20160806163400 (2) Meanwhile, Chinese artists such as Liu Wei, He Xiangyu, Hui Ganyuan and foreign artists such as Anni Albers (Germany), Sheila Hicks (US), the Paris-American artist who played a central role in the development of fiber arts in 1960s and onward, and much of the attention now paid to her chosen media, Willem de Rooij (Netherland), Oscar Murillo (UK/Columbia), Piotr Uklanski (Poland/US), Kimsooja (Korea) and the Croatian team Numen/For Use and Magda Sayeg (US) whose creations are rooted in interactions among cities, will all show their works this summer in Hangzhou. The Weaving & We: 2016 Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Art is sponsored by Zhejiang Provincial Department of Culture and China Academy of Art (CAA), and jointly organized by Zhejiang Art Museum and Varbanov Tapestry Institute of CAA. The exhibition will be showed in Zhejiang Art Museum, China National Silk Museum and Museum of Contemporary Art of CAA, and will  last from August 25 to October 25, 2016.