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News & events > Hanoi | Woodcut in the digital age | exhibition

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08 Sep 2012 - 30 Sep 2012

Hanoi | Woodcut in the digital age | exhibition

None The Goethe-Institut Hanoi presents an exhibition of 50 woodblock prints - series and large format pieces - by Christiane Baumgartner, as well as artists' books and a video. Christiane Baumgartner will be guest artist in Hanoi for 3 months, the first in a new German residency scheme.

Christiane Baumgartner – Woodcut in the digital age

50 art works of an international famous artist: woodcuts taken from digital pictures and video-stills as series and large-format single pieces Exhibition 08. - 30.09.2012, daily from 9am to 7pm Goethe-Institut Hanoi Free admission Christiane Baumgartner, born 1967, studied from 1988 to 1994 at the School of Visual Arts in Leipzig and from 1997 to 1999 at the Royal College of Art, London. Her main artistic medium is printmaking. Particularly well known are her woodcuts. For these she usually works from her own video recordings, producing stills in the form of woodcuts, often in very large formats. Christiane Baumgartner is internationally known and has been honored with awards, her works are in museums in Leipzig, Vienna, London, New York, Amsterdam. The German graphic artist Christiane Baumgartner will be a guest artist in Hanoi for three months from September 1st. She is the first artist to be awarded the newly created annual residency grant, presented by the Cultural Foundation of Saxony and organized jointly with the Goethe Institute in Vietnam. Christiane Baumgartner, who has became known internationally for her large-scale innovative woodcuts, will immerse herself in the culture and the arts scene in Vietnam, going in search of traditional wood carving and sharing her experiences on the topic of the art of woodcuts with young artists. Image: Christiane Baumgartner © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2012 | courtesy Christiane Baumgartner and Alan Cristea Gallery London