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News & events > Hong Kong | Producers' Network Meeting and Forum
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20 May 2015 - 22 May 2015
Hong Kong | Producers' Network Meeting and Forum
The West Kowloon Cultural District is organising a three-day Producers’ Network Meeting and Forum in Hong Kong. On May 20-21 a closed door producers' network meeting takes place (attendance by application/invitation only) with a public forum on May 22.
For the Meeting, key overseas speakers are invited from South Korea, Finland, Australia, China and Thailand, among others. This will be a closed meeting for 20-25 people. Applications are invited by 6 March deadline (see below - application form in Chinese only). Information and application details for the Public Forum will be available soon on the website.
The event aims at mapping out and bringing together like-minded cultural workers from overseas and within the region to create action plans that will improve the infrastructures’ competitiveness, widen their audience base and expand their artistic content. The organisers hope that through communication and exchange, mutual understanding and strengthened collaboration, sustainable development can be achieved.
Many new arts centres are being constructed in the next five years in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and mainland China. Apart from artists, audiences and the artwork itself, producers and curators also play crucial roles in catalysing and bridging artistic enterprises within the cultural ecosystem.
The Meeting
We would like to invite producers from Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and mainland China to join this closed-door meeting and public forum. Discussions include how we can collectively contribute to the growth and development of the next generation's cultural workers, so that they are ready to fulfill the critical roles within the burgeoning arts and cultural landscape in the region.
20-22 May 2015
Asia Society Hong Kong Center
Target Participants:
Producers, Curators and Arts Administrators
20-25 persons
The meeting will be conducted in Mandarin and English
Simultaneous interpretation will only be provided during the public forum on 22 May
Application Deadline for MEETING:6 March 2015
Please read the application criteria and fill in the application form (available in Chinese only).