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News & events > Hyperconnected 2012 | conference

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09 Jul 2012 - 04 Oct 2017

Hyperconnected 2012 | conference

None Hyperconnected 2012 will explore how Chinese, Korean and Australian film and digital media companies and practitioners are transforming creative and culture industry practices outside Hollywood’s global hegemony with "disruptive innovation". This workshop aims to offer a future view of film and digital media innovation; user experience; international co-productions in film, TV, and animation; the NBN and live arena team sports; gaming and gamification of content; and transmedia distribution/development/management/streaming in mobile, online and cloud environments. How are dangerously creative developments in communication and entertainment being produced, distributed and melded into society and culture via a wide variety of Broadband and mobile media (transmedia) environments in the greater Austral-Asian region? How can Australia, Korea, and China operate as an integrated digital production marketplace in the future? See list of participants This event is sponsored by the Academy of Korean Studies, the Institute of Social Transformation Research, and the Sydney Business School at the University of Wollongong. Source: Hyperconnected 2012