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News & events > ICCROM Course: Heritage Impact Assessments

By Jordi Baltà Portolés

17 Oct 2016 - 28 Oct 2016

ICCROM Course: Heritage Impact Assessments

Heritage Impact Assessment The World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region, under the auspices of UNESCO, Shanghai Centre (WHITRAP, Shanghai) and the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) have recently announced the third edition of a  course "Heritage Impact Assessments". Organised in partnership with Tongji University, China, and the Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning & Design Institute, China, the course will be held between 17 and 28 October 2016. The course results from the observations made by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee as regards the threats posed by various types of large-scale development activities to World Heritage properties. These activities include infrastructure development, new buildings, urban renewal and changes to the land use, some of which are insensitive or inappropriate. The Committee has also examined threats from excessive or inappropriate tourism. In this context, the World Heritage Committee has suggested that Heritage Impact Assessments should be conducted. Meeting this demand, and considering the growing need for the practitioners in the heritage sector to be equipped with knowledge and skills on Heritage Impact Assessments, WHITRAP together with ICCROM initiated a training workshop in 2012 which was repeated in 2014. Since then, 30 professionals from all over the world have been trained.


The third edition of the course is designed for a maximum of 20 persons. Priority will be given to:
  • Mid-career heritage practitioners/decision-makers interested in engaging Heritage Impact Assessments as a tool in assessing impacts on heritage as well as society.
  • Priority will be given to those from State Parties that have been requested to carry out Heritage Impact Assessments at World Heritage properties located within their territory by the World Heritage Committee.
  • Those in a position to carry the messages of the course to a broad audience (for example, trainers who are able to reach a large audience over time) are encouraged to apply.
The teaching staff includes leading heritage conservation professionals with international and regional experience from ICCROM, ICOMOS, IUCN, UNESCO, WHITRAP and regional institutions. These experts will present a broad international perspective in their fields of expertise.


  • To provide participants with the knowledge on management requirements for World Heritage Sites.
  • To discuss reporting and monitoring requirements under the World Heritage Convention including State of Conservation reports and their implications to State Parties.
  • To provide the current knowledge and skills of using Heritage Impact Assessments as a tool for evaluating impacts from various factors affecting heritage in general, and World Heritage sites in particular.
  • To provide understanding of the knowledge (such as the legal frameworks) to initiate/improve Heritage Impact Assessments in respective countries of the participants.
  • To promote the exchange of experiences and information among participants and the institutions.

Working language

The official language of the course is English. All course content and output will be in English. Participants should be proficient in English including reading, writing, making presentations and joining in discussions.

Fee and other expenses

The course fee is USD 950. Participants will be responsible for their international round trip travel costs to and from the training venue. In order to cover accommodation and living expenses during the course, participants should plan for a minimum allowance of USD 700 for the entire period. Candidates are strongly encouraged to seek financial support from sources such as governmental institutions, employers and funding agencies.


WHITRAP offers a limited number of scholarships to the candidates from the State Parties in the Asia‐Pacific Region who have been selected to participate but are not in a position to secure funding. Due to the shrinking budget, the scholarship only includes domestic accommodation and/or daily subsistence allowance.


Applications should be sent by 1 June 2016. For additional information about the course, please visit