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News & events > ICOM CECA Call for Papers on Museum Education

By Jordi Baltà Portolés

06 Jul 2019

ICOM CECA Call for Papers on Museum Education

The ICOM International Committee for Education and Cultural Education (CECA) has recently launched a call for papers with a view to the next issue of its journal ICOM Education. After the previous issue of the journal focused on "cultural action", editors have chosen to focus this time on the other main component of CECA's work, namely education, aiming to explore its different meanings and implications. Therefore, issue 29 of ICOM Education seeks to go much deeper into the notion (or notions?) of museum education, whatever its translation into other languages may be, and to explore the different aspects it/they cover in the everyday work of museums. The journal is a place for thinking and analysing, for leading a discussion and further developing the theoretical thinking, for enriching the knowledge and discovering tangible examples out of the museums’ practices.

Topics for the articles

In order to cover the field of museum education as widely as possible, the editorial team is looking for articles in which one (or more) of the themes listed below is dealt with. A thorough analysis of the literature on museum education available in French, English and Spanish as well as a rather theoretical thinking about the notions of museum education are already on their way and will flow into several articles in preparation for this issue of ICOM Education. The editorial team is therefore explicitly looking for papers in which the focus is more on practical matters to enrich the theory with tangible examples and case studies – without excluding potentially more theoretical papers, of course. A very strong connection with museums is also expected in all submitted papers. This list of topics is indicative and does not exclude other possible approaches, as long as they remain focused on museum education. Moreover, the order in which these themes are listed is purely for the sake of this document and does not prefigure the final structure of the issue itself.
  • Shapes and methods, including museum education vs. cultural mediation; difference of approaches for temporary exhibitions vs. permanent collections; educational programme vs. educational aspects of the exhibition itself; innovative approaches of museum education; research in / about museum education; museum education in a specific context, etc.
  • Roles and impacts, including the roles of education departments inside the museum; the impact of museum education on audiences; the role of museum education on communities or on society and its impact on the dissemination of the ideas, values and knowledge contained in the exhibition, etc.
  • Specific target groups, including museum education programmes for adults; teenagers and children (except school children); for school children; for groups with specific needs; and museum education programmes in specific kinds of museums (living history or open-air museums, technical demonstrations, science centres, art museums, etc.).

Submission and further information

Articles may be submitted in any of CECA's working languages - English, French or Spanish. They are due by the end of January 2020 and will be peer-reviewed before being accepted for publication. For additional information, please refer to the full call for papers accessible via