ICOM-CECA Proceedings: Museums, Memory, Creativity, Social Change
In 2013, the International Committee for Education and Cultural Action (CECA) of the International Council of Museums (ICOM)held its annual conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in the context of the 23rd ICOM General Conference. The theme of the CECA conference was the same of the General Conference, namely: MUSEUMS (MEMORY + CREATIVITY = SOCIAL CHANGE). The proceedingsof that conference have recently been published online.
The theme chosen for the event suggested that museums' ability to promote change arises from a composition between creative freshness and the memory constructed and entrusted to these museums. Behind this equation there are numerous individuals strengthened each day: professionals and especially the public, full of aspirations, acting as engines of this movement. It is the memory activated by creativity in the museum environment reverberating in the society and promoting social change.
The contents of the Proceedings are presented according to the Sessions of the CECA Conference: Opening Session, Keynotes Speeches, Joint Session, Research Session, Text Session, Market of Ideas, Book Presentation, Poster Session. Overall, over 30 contributions from different world regions, including Asia and Europe, are presented.
The proceedings can be downloaded fromhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8yHu7SudP4kcENWMHVrR2JhZjg/view?pli=1