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News & events > ICOM-CECA Publication: Museum Education & Accessibility

By Jordi Baltà Portolés

24 Sep 2016

ICOM-CECA Publication: Museum Education & Accessibility

Museum Education & Accessibility Resulting from the 2015 annual conference of the International Council of Museums' Committee for Education and Cultural Action (CECA), a collection entitled "Museum Education & Accessibility: Bridging the Gaps" has recently been published. The book collects over 90 speeches, case studies, papers and abstracts presented on the occasion of the conference, which was held in Washington DC, USA, in September 2015. The general theme of all contributions is the notion of accessibility, as the degree to which museum collections, programmes and expertise are available to as many people as possible. Among the featured texts are contributions by ASEMUS members and related organisations, including the National Museum of Denmark and the National Heritage Board of Singapore. In addition, several countries in Asia and Europe are also represented throughout the proceedings, including Belgium, Croatia, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Portugal, the Russian Federation, Spain, Sweden, and the UK. Many other experiences included in the publication come from North and South America. The publication "Museum Education & Accessibility: Bridging the Gaps" is available as a free download here. For additional information about CECA, please visit