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News & events > ICOM-ITC Workshop: Museums as Learning Environments

By Jordi Baltà Portolés

06 Nov 2019 - 14 Nov 2019

ICOM-ITC Workshop: Museums as Learning Environments

The next training workshop of the ICOM International Training Centre for Museum Studies (ICOM-ITC) will look at different types of learning in museums and will offer practical advice on how to improve learning programmes. The three international lecturers will present such topics as informal learning activities, developing programmes that complement the school curriculum, and interpreting museum exhibitions.

This training, entitled “Museums as learning environments: Developing relevant public programs”, will be held in Yixing, China, from 6 to 14 November 2019. The ICOM-ITC training workshops are intended primarily for ICOM members from emerging countries but applicants from other countries might be considered.

Call for applications

A call for applications open to ICOM members has been launched. Either full grants (including travel, accommodation and local hospitality) or partial grants (accommodation and local hospitality) may be provided. Candidates should meet the following criteria:
  • Being and ICOM member in good standing, which means having paid their ICOM individual membership dues for two consecutive years including the current year of application (i.e. 2018 and 2019) or, in the case of a new or reinstated ICOM membership, having paid membership dues for the year of application (i.e. 2019);
  • Occupying middle-management position in a recognised museum or public institution;
  • Aged 45 years or under, by 31 December 2019.
  • Being fluent in both written and spoken English.
Applications need to be submitted by 14 July.

Additional information

ICOM-ITC, housed at the Palace Museum in Beijing, China, is a collaboration between ICOM, ICOM China and the Palace Museum. By providing inclusive and participatory training programmes for museum professionals, the centre is intended to “promote research and exchange among museums at an international level and develop the museum expertise of professionals from developing countries, especially those from the Asia-Pacific region,” where the museum sector is growing rapidly and there is a high demand for museum professionals. For additional information about this ICOM-ITC workshop on "Museums as Learning Environments", please visit