IETM Sofia | autumn meeting & travel grants

IETM international network for contemporary performing arts is holding its autumn meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria 16-19 October. IETM Sofia is on the theme 'Space for Change'. Some travel grants are available, both for IETM members and non-members.
Check below for the
travel grants available - deadline for applications is
19 September.
Change is not about tomorrow, it’s about right now. We accepted the crisis as a part of reality, but today is a moment to look at it as a step to new opportunities, partnerships and solutions. How can we, as artists and cultural operators, inspire a more human, bright and vibrant future? Can we give our society the new patterns needed, new ideas and incentives? Do we need to rethink deeply our position in the social ecosystem?
October 2014 IETM Plenary Meeting will gather performing artists and professionals from all around the world to address the vital issues of today and shape the strategies of tomorrow. New sustainable models in the cultural sector, measuring the impact of artistic practices, reinforcement of connections with the audiences, mobility of artists – these and other topics will be at the heart of the discussions. The meeting will also offer a unique opportunity to get to know the Bulgarian contemporary arts scene.
The location of the meeting in
Sofia - a place, where the transition is a constant process, will encourage participants to create a space for exploring new possibilities and reflect on change as a way of strengthening and advancement.
There are two kinds of travel grants available for artists wishing to join the Autumn 2014 IETM meeting in Sofia (Bulgaria), 16-19 October:
Travel Grants Sofia 2014 in partnership with TEATROSKOP
TEATROSKOP is a project initiated in 2011 by the Institut français, the French Ministries of Culture and of Foreign Affairs. Its aim is to boost exchanges between France and South-East European countries in the field of performing arts. After Athens and Montpellier, the IETM/TEATROSKOP travel grants are once again opened to arts professionals from South East Europe to help them cover some of their attendance costs to the meeting.
These grants are open to arts professionals and particularly representatives from
venues and festivals from Albania, ARY Macedonia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia,
Hungary, Kosovo, Montenegro,
Romania, Serbia,
Slovenia and Turkey.
The grant is also open for the non-members of IETM.
IETM Travel Grants Sofia 2014
According to the decision of the Extraordinary General Assembly held in Vilnius in October 2009, IETM travel grants are intended for all
IETM members whose annual turnover doesn’t exceed 100.000 euro, regardless the country where they are based.
READ INFORMATION ON TRAVEL GRANTS - Deadline (for both grants): 19 September
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