The IETM Spring Plenary Meeting will take in Stockholm (Sweden) on April 14-17, 2011 under the working theme “Whose Story is it Anyway?”.
The objective is to address a number of questions and challenges which face everyone who has an ambition to develop their art forms, practices, methods, conditions, structures within society at large.
Today, two parallel trends co-exist: the first is that of closing borders, cultivating homogeneity, monopolising information and utilising normative and consolidating methodologies. The second is that of speaking of openness, transparency and participation, while still practising the first one. Members are invited to reflect collectively on the current subject matters of interest to artists and on IETM’s new strategic plan.
During its 30 years IETM has become a powerful player in the processes that shape the opportunities, as well as the forms of distribution on the art market. If these opportunities are to be equally accessible to everyone, we have to critically examine our own structures, methods and modes of operating in a manner that makes change not only to the surroundings, but that establishes internal and continuous criticality and change as an opportunity and not a threat. To jointly produce visions for what we want the future to be – not to dwell in a romantic past.
At this meeting, we not only want to recognise IETM’s 30 years of existence but also dare ask the questions, ”What would be if IETM was not?”, ”what other initiatives would have started and how would they function if they started today?”, ”How would we meet differently if we had to start from scratch?”. Let’s for a moment imagine that this anniversary is also a moment out of time, something hanging in the air, a void, a space of unplanned time and an opportunity for thinking differently together.
Registration DEADLINE for the IETM Stockholm meeting: March 29