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News & events > IFACCA survey on working conditions in the creative and cultural sectors

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28 Mar 2022

IFACCA survey on working conditions in the creative and cultural sectors

Image of  the International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies logo

Call for artists and independent workers in the creative and cultural sectors (CCS) to respond to the International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies’ (IFACCA) survey on working conditions. 

While concerns related to the working conditions of artists and independent workers in the CCSs pre-date COVID-19, the pandemic has exposed their true precarity. However, this also presents an opportunity to consider how to address and improve these conditions as the culture sector rebuilds and reforms. 

To this end, IFACCA is preparing a public report on the working conditions of artists and independent cultural workers as part of their Sustainable Futures research series, which was launched in January 2022.  

IFACCA is therefore seeking diverse perspectives from the international community to inform the report (supported by Creative Victoria), which will include case studies, insights, gaps and opportunities. 

The survey will take approximately 12 minutes to complete. Respondents may remain anonymous or choose to provide their contact details.

Fill in the survey here

Survey deadline: 8 April 2022