ILUCIDARE Playground is a one-day event that explores
the multifaceted contribution heritage makes to sustainable and inclusive societies to tackle societal challenges through innovation and to engage in multicultural dialogue. It takes place in the context of ILUCIDARE, a European project which
promotes heritage as a resource of innovation and international cooperation.
To be held in Brussels on 20 November, the ILUCIDARE Playground aims to creates
a unique space for those unconventional encounters sparking discussion, networking, international exchanges and innovation. Empowering heritage professionals, researchers, innovators, policy makers, activists and volunteers in their innovative and collaboration practices, the event also ambitions to
make a contribution to aligning international and EU actions for heritage and international cultural relations.
stimulate interdisciplinary interactions and networking among participants with inspirational speeches, workshops, panel discussions and speed-networking. Participants can choose their activities according to their own interests and needs. It will also be possible to arrange speed dating with international mentors, investors, potential business or creative partners.
ILUCIDARE is led by the University of Leuven, in partnership with Europa Nostra, KEA European Affairs, International Cultural Centre, World Monuments Fund Spain, Cultural Heritage without Borders - Kosovo, University of Cuenca and IMEC. Most of these organisations will be represented at the Playground, which will also involve several other speakers, including Anupama Sekhar, Director for Culture at the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF). The afternoon programme is organised in partnership with several other heritage projects funded by the EU's Horizon 2020 research programme.
For additional information about ILUCIDARE Playground and access to the event programme, please visit