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News & events > India, Poland ink co-production pact

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10 Jul 2012

India, Poland ink co-production pact

None India and Poland have signed a five year 'Audio Visual Co-production Agreement' during the meeting of India's Information and Broadcasting minister Ambika Soni and Poland's Minister of Culture and National Heritage Bogdan Zdrojewski in Warsaw last week. This agreement works out the legal framework for audio-visual co-productions, especially documentary and animation films, co-operatively produced by the two countries. The agreement also states the necessity of both India and Poland to make effective contributions to each others industries, as well as technical specifications such as extent of financial contributions by co-producers, modalities of sharing honors and awards, exporting final films which are to be treated as national films in both countries. The agreement also enables film crews to enter and briefly stay in each others countries, along with ensuring infrastructural support such as laboratory processing activities, movement of film equipment required for co-productions. India has already  signed a  film co-production agreements with Italy, U.K., Germany, Brazil, France and New Zealand. It also used its international film showcase event - International Film Festival of India, held annually in Goa, to spotlight films made in Poland last year, including feature film titles such as Made in Poland, The Winner and My Name is Ki.

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