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News & events > Inputs for a report on cultural rights and migration

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14 Nov 2022

Inputs for a report on cultural rights and migration

The Human Rights Council

The Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights is calling for input on the topic of the respect, protection and fulfilment of the cultural rights of persons in the context of migration, to inform the report to the Human Rights Council, to be presented in March 2023.

Input is accepted from

  • States
  • regional and local governments
  • international and regional organisations
  • National Human Rights Institutions
  • equality bodies
  • academics and civil society organisations
  • UN agencies
  • funds and programmes
  • other interested stakeholders

Cultural rights are recognised to all, regardless of their gender, origin and status, in particular for the cases of migration. The Special Rapporteur will focus mainly, but not exclusively, on the rights of forced migrants. In forced migration, the Special Rapporteur includes the situations of various ‘newly’ displaced persons, such as undocumented migrants, asylum seekers and registered refugees. In particular, the expert would like to assess how the cultural rights of migrants are implemented

  • Upon arrival in a host country
  • Through the settlement period
  • In policies aiming at their inclusion, often called ‘integration’

Those submitting information should feel free to answer only specific questions that they find most relevant.

More information 

Deadline: 25 November 2022