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News & events > Intangible Cultural Heritage, Museums and Participation: Call for Proposals

By Jordi Baltà Portolés

01 Dec 2017

Intangible Cultural Heritage, Museums and Participation: Call for Proposals

The second expert meeting of the "Intangible Cultural Heritage and Museum Project" will be held in Palermo, Italy, on 27-28 February 2018. The project, led by museums and related organisations in 5 European countries, in partnership with ICOM and NEMO and supported by the EU's Creative Europe programme, explores the variety of approaches, interactions and practices on intangible cultural heritage in museums. The meeting in Palermo deals with intangible cultural heritage (ICH), museums and participation. Particularly, the role museums could play in the process of dialogue, re-negotiated roles and shared decision making with ICH practitioners on the safeguarding efforts that relate to the living heritage practices that they want to transmit to future generations. To each expert meeting 20 museum professionals from the participating countries - The Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, France and Belgium - are invited to join the discussions focusing on one aspect of ICH and museums over the course of two days. Organisers are now looking for contributions about projects, practices and programmes that take place in the context of a museum and have as a strong and inherent feature the active participation of practitioners of intangible heritage in relation to the safeguarding of their living heritage practices. Preferably, these projects are initiated by ICH-practitioners and supported by museums, but museums could also have been the initiative takers. Participation is free of charge. Applications should be sent by 20 December. In order to register for the event and submit project proposals, please visit Additional information is also available on the NEMO website at