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News & events > International Biennale Design Saint-Etienne

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21 Mar 2019 - 22 Apr 2019

International Biennale Design Saint-Etienne

Logo of Saint Etienne design Bienniale - Me You Nous

The 2019 International Biennale Design Saint-Etienne will be held from Thursday, March 21 to Monday, April 22. Planned as a biennale for seeing, participating and thinking, this year China is Guest of Honour.

...seeing, exhibitions supported by designers, artists and researchers, each around a theme related to major economic, societal or environmental issues.

...participating, through a wide variety of events during a month. Whether in Cité du design - Manufacture, inside or outside the city, the Biennale is offering a rich agenda for all audiences, inviting all players to take part in this grand gathering.

...thinking, with conferences, debates, symposia, the city will be transformed into a laboratory of thoughts, confronting different points of view to shed light on the opinions and challenges of today.

China, guest of honor Over the last years, the rise of Chinese design has become undeniable. Far from the stereotype of mass consumption and low-quality products, for China, design is a major lever in economic development today.

In order to integrate with the overall process, however, China must find a way to build platforms for exchanges and interaction. Discovering a new culture is at the heart of the Biennale inspiration, allowing us to find the common ground between the two continents that watch and respond to each other.

During the Biennale, Saint-Étienne will become a gateway to Chinese design, opening a discussion with a population of nearly 1.4 billion.