International Museum Day 2015: Interactive Map now available
As we noted some months ago, the 2015 edition of the International Museum Day will focus on "Museums for a Sustainable Society". Activities related to the International Museum Day take place on or around 18 May. The event was established in 1977 by the International Council of Museums (ICOM), which continues to promote the initiative.
In the context of preparations for this year's edition, a specific interactive world map has been created. The map allows museums to promote their activities related to International Museum Day, whereas visitors can also find the activities happening near them on the occasion.
Throughout the preparation of International Museum Day and during the celebration, a selection of activities will be shared regularly on the International Museum Day's Facebook page and on ICOM's Twitter feed.
The International Museum Day's event registration platform is powered by Semantika, a leading provider of IT solutions t the cultural heritage sector.
For additional information, please visit
The interactive map is available at