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News & events > ISEA2022 Barcelona

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10 Jun 2022 - 16 Jun 2022

ISEA2022 Barcelona

ISEA2022 - the 27th International Symposium on Electronic Art takes place in Barcelona 10-16 June 2022. Registration is open.

On the theme of POSSIBLES, ISEA2022 considers:

The Possible is openness and movement, a horizon of change that unfolds and organizes the world.

The Possible is inscribed within the arts, design, sciences and technologies that surround us now and those yet to come.

The Possible has nothing to do with the unreal, the impossible, or the fictitious, but rather with the unfinished real in front of us.

Possibles not only open up an unfinished world of futures before us, but also presents and pasts behind us.

with sub-themes of Human & Non-Human; Natures & Worlds; Futures & Heritages; Educations & Societies.

Take a look at the programme

REGISTRATION is open, with earlybird rates till 18 April