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News & events > Japan | ricca ricca*festa 2023

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24 Jul 2023 - 30 Jul 2023

Japan | ricca ricca*festa 2023

From 24 to 30 July 2023 ricca ricca*festa will host 19 productions from 9 countries (including France, Lithuania and Japan), in Okinawa, Japan. 

ricca ricca*festa, also known as the International Theater Festival Okinawa for Young Audiences, is an international festival of performing arts for children, young people and families which has taken place every year in Okinawa since 2005.

The festival presents high-quality productions which are carefully selected with the motto of “productions which can be enjoyed from 0 year old to adults”.

ricca ricca*festa not only presents productions, but also organises networking programmes, symposiums and workshops for TYA (Theatre for Young Audiences) practitioners in Asia and beyond. It is a popular summer event for local families and at the same time an active platform for artists and professionals world-wide. 

Asian TYA Network Programme 

Recently the recognition and interest in TYA have been growing more and more in many regions in Asia. More arts organisations are starting activities for children and young people and new TYA festivals are launching.

In Asian regions, especially in Southeast Asia where the economics have been developing rapidly, the role of TYA is anticipated in order for children to nurture sensitivities and creative minds even in a tough time, and such movements can be seen already. Since 2016, ricca ricca*festa has been working to establish and expand the network with TYA professionals in Southeast Asia as “Asian TYA Network Programme”. During the festival period, various discussion and exchange programmes have been organised and several research trips were executed in Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia and Myanmar. Visit Asian TYA Network Website for more details on this work.

ricca ricca*festa programme