An international symposium on the theme of 'Cities under Restoration' takes place in Kolkata, India, November 18-21, organised by the Centre for Built Environment in the city. A call for papers and presentations is open till 31 August.
Half of the world's population lives in cities today. There is unprecedented growth of Large Cities are becoming larger and people are living with stress and strain. There are glamour and grandeur and there are also squalor and decay. Climate, life style, architecture, urban pattern and environment are changing rapidly. Old methods of planning and conventional development are being replaced by new ideas and innovations.
Centre for Built Environment in Kolkata, India, a knowledge based nonprofit professional society of architects, planners and urban experts, since it's inception in 1993 started dissemination of new knowledge in architecture, human settlement and environment in the context of sustainable development. The Centre took up a number of programs. Many scholars and students from different countries came for seminar and workshops and many of members of the Centre took training and presented papers in about 30 countries.
The Centre for Built Environment has now taken up the program of organising international Symposium in cities - Cities under Change, 2012" Cities under Restoration, 2013, Megacities and Return of the dinosaurs and the utopia, 2014 etc.
Open Call for Abstracts - For Oral or Poster Presentation
Extended abstracts are invited for oral or poster presentation. No of words : maximum 600, name of the author, organisation and e-mail on A4 size paper are required. Text 10 pt.
1” or 2.5 cm space on the four sides. Separate one paragraph of bio data is to be given.
Please send to (By August 31, 2013)
Prof. Santosh Ghosh
President (Hony), Centre for Built Environment
e-mail: sghoshcbe@hotmail.com, sghoshcbe@gmail.com