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News & events > Korea: conference, traditional East Asia musics

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24 Aug 2010 - 26 Aug 2010

Korea: conference, traditional East Asia musics

None [caption id="attachment_2440" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Photo by nojusaram on flickr"][/caption] International Council for Tradition Music Study Group for Music of East Asia announces its 2nd conference in Seoul, Korea 24-26 Aug. The Study Group for Musics of East Asia (MEA) will meet on 24, 25 and 26 August 2010 in Seoul, Korea, at the Academy of Korean Studies.  The MEA Study Group under the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM), was formed in September 2006. It aims to provide a forum for all scholars interested in the musics of East Asia, broadly defined both musically and geographically. The conference themes are: 1) Intangible Cultural Heritage in East Asia: History and Practical Results 2) ‘Recordings and Films’ or ‘The Potential and Pitfalls of Audio-Visual Technology and Materials’ 3) Reconsidering Sacred and Profane in East Asian Ritual Music 4) Asian Music in Music Textbooks for Primary and Secondary Schools in East Asia 5) Asian Soundscapes and Cyberspace 6) New Research.