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News & events > London International Mime Festival

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10 Jan 2013 - 27 Jan 2013

London International Mime Festival

None LIMF 2013 features fifteen productions from Australia, Belgium, China, France, Germany, Italy, Russia and Switzerland as well as work by some of Britain’s top visual theatre performers, plus workshops and after-show discussions. Promoting innovative, visual theatre since 1977, London International Mime Festival starts each year with spectacular, intense and unusual performance, cutting edge and essentially wordless. The season is packed with UK premieres including new work by Les Ballets C de la B artists Romeu Runa and Miguel Moreira, Switzerland’s circus-theatre stars Zimmermann & de Perrot and Britain’s outstanding puppeteers, Blind Summit, plus a tenth anniversary revival of Aurélien Bory’s boundary-breaking production for his Compagnie 111, Plan B. Image: Wolfe Bowart (Australia).This visit to London is supported by the Australia Council for the Arts. photos: David Wyatt