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News & events > Lund to host seminar on Indian Documentary

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05 Apr 2013

Lund to host seminar on Indian Documentary

None Professors Anjali Monteiro and Kizhavana Jayasankar, researchers cum film makers from the Centre of Media and Cultural Studies, Tata Institute of Social Studies (TISS) in Mumbai, India, will hold a seminar at Lund University on ”Indian Documentary: Diversity, Borders and Cultural Syncretism”, on Wednesday 10 April 2013. The seminar is jointly organised by the Department of Media and Communication Studies, Lund University, in collaboration with SASNET.

During the seminar, their documentary film ”So Heddan So Hoddan” (Like Here Like There) will be screened. The film focuses on the communities in Kachchh, Gujarat, India and across the border in Sindh, Pakistan. Many of their poems draw on the eternal love stories and songs that speak of the pain of parting, of the inevitability of loss and of deep grief that takes one to unknown and mysterious terrains.

Monteiro and Jayasankar will spend the month of April 2013 in Lund as scholarship holders through the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 mobility programme EMEA, that is coordinated by Lund University. Both of them are involved in media production, teaching and research. Jointly they have won twenty-eight national and international awards for their films. They have contributed to scholarly journals such as Cultural Studies, and both have been attached to Goldsmith’s College, London and the University of Western Sydney.
