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News & events > Madrid | exhibition and cycle of seminars on 'Japonismo' culture themes

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17 Oct 2013 - 14 Feb 2014

Madrid | exhibition and cycle of seminars on 'Japonismo' culture themes

None crisantemos In connection with the Japonismo exhibition, now on at the CaixaForum in Madrid (17 October - 14 February), a cycle of seminars is presented on themes related to Japanese culture and heritage. The forthcoming seminars are: 7 November: La vacuidad en el pensamiento japonés 14 November: El Japón actual en la obra de Murakami 21 November: El impacto del manga en la sociedad japonesa The seminars are in Spanish. The Japonismo exhibition opened in Barcelona and is now running at the CaixaForum in Madrid, 17 October - 14 February 2014.

For more information about Japanese arts and culture and events in Spain, read Eikyôa magazine in Spanish with a free e-bulletin of Japan-related arts events.

Image: Alexandre de Riquer. Crisantemos, 1899. Colección particular