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News & events > Making Almere | 5th International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR) 2012

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21 Apr 2012 - 29 Jul 2012

Making Almere | 5th International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR) 2012

None 'Who makes the city of Almere?' is the central question during the architecture festival Making Almere from April 21 until July 29, 2012. The event takes place in Almere as part of the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR) The festival Making Almere will show how the New Town of Almere transforms in the future. In the 1970s, the city was on the drawing boards of several professional designers and planners - without any input from the residents. The roles have since been reversed. Today, the youngest city in the Netherlands is a leader in the development of a new form of urbanism: one where the inhabitants build their own city. Making Almere Architecture Festival Making Almere will be located in the commercial heart of the city and also serve as a store. The exhibition will showcase the city’s surprising turnaround – from a New Town directed by politicians and designers to a lively city made by many people. In addition, visitors will be challenged to add their own input, designs and contributions to the further development of the city. Several presentations, debates and public events related to the making of a city will also take place. The city as an exhibition Almere boasts unique architectural features and an exceptional planning history. During the fourteen weeks of Making Almere, a new building, district or place in the city will be highlighted each week. The question: "Who makes the city?" will remain central throughout the festival. With a specially-developed Making Almere smartphone application (free to download) or a handy guidebook, visitors will be able to explore the city independently. Guided tours led by different experts will also take place every Saturday. Making Architecture Manifestation Almere From 21 April to 29 July 2012 Admission is free Address: Belfry 13, Almere See the full programme, location, directions and opening times at: See full programme of events at the 5th IABR Source: IABR