Malaysia to Portugal: dance forum creates connections

The 6th Pointe to Point Dance Forum Follow-up Project
As part of the 6th Pointe to Point Dance Forum, after the meeting, all participants are invited to present proposals for ongoing work. Some embrionary projects developed during the Lisbon Pointe to Point can be further developed during residencies in Asia and/or Europe, if considered of quality, relevance to the field of dance movement research and collaboration. A network of international partners will be set up to host these residencies. ASEF and Alkantara have identified Asian and European partners that are interested in hosting these artists. To nurture these connections generally speaking ASEF provides mobility fund (international transport) and facilitates in the realization of the FOLLOW UP RESIDENCY PROJECTS.
The aim is
- To facilitate the future development of dance movement research and collaboration
- To deepen the networking and exchanging amongst its previous Asia-Europe Dance Forum participants
- To assist promising alumni artists in realizing their collaborative artistic project
Through the past Pointe to Point projects, connections have been established between artists. To nurture those connections ASEF has decided to provide funding to Pointe to Point alumni artists for specific follow up projects; as a result “Diary of Alice” is one of them.
“The Diary of Alice” aims to explore collaboration as a way of approaching arts in highly interactive and globalised environment. Developing from individual projects, tough with different approach and product, both artists found their commonality of their work, share a common interest and curiosity in questioning and instigating the word, ‘identity’. By creating a central fictitious character, Alice, the artists create an open canvas to scribble one’s imagination, desire and aspiration. By writing about how Alice’s life can be lived and evolved, the artists further instigate the construction and validity of an identity in a global context. The residency will be in 2 phases. The first phase will be in Rimbun Dahun, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and the second phase in arts residency in Europe, to be confirmed by partner in January. During the residency the artists will engage artists and audience as an active and participative element in art work. The artists begin the work process by writing a life story of Alice on Alice’s blog
The collaborating ASEF alumni – namely Joavien Ng (Singapore) and Paloma Calle (Spain) commit to engage in a joint artistic project called “Diary of Alice” taking place at
Rimbun Dahan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during 15th February - 17th March 2010
Forum Dança, Lisboa, Portugal during 16th - 30th April 2010
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