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News & events > Mapping Creativity in Workplaces | Virtual Workshop

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15 Oct 2020 - 15 Oct 2020

Mapping Creativity in Workplaces | Virtual Workshop

Mapping Creativity in Workplaces Interactive Virtual Workshop aims to showcase how creativity has become one of the crucial skills for businesses and organizations resilience, growth and leadership, particularly after the outbreak of covid19.

All innovations begin with creative ideas. However not all creative ideas are finally transformed into innovative new processes, products, services or organizational change. The workshop has the specific objective to explore evidence based research and good practices, from public and private sectors and across industries (health and wellbeing, education, tourism and hospitality, social and diversity, financial and insurance, digital and technology, creative and culturla sectors, etc), on how and when creativity is transformed into innovation.

This workshop is an invitation to C-Suite from corporations and international organizations, business leaders, startups and SMEs, policy makers, NGOs, civil organizations and other stakeholders to actively share their experience and case studies on how they apply creativity in their workplaces for achieving tangible results (new processes, products, services, business/organizational models, etc.).

The conclusions of the virtual workshop will be published on Economia Creativa website, free to download by the end of November 2020.

The virtual workshop will be moderated by Antonio Carlos Ruiz Soria, director of Economia Creativa.

Registration is free for C-Suite, managers and professionals from corporations, public sector, startups, SMEs, international organizations, NGOs and Foundations. 

Deadline for registration 14 October 2020: