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News & events > MATCH : Crowdfunding for arts scheme Australia

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22 Apr 2015

MATCH : Crowdfunding for arts scheme Australia

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Creative Partnerships Australia runs the MATCH 2015 program which provides dollar-for-dollar matched funding of up to $10,000 for private sector crowdfunding campaigns in support of an arts project initiated in Australia, including international collaborations such as the Cambodian Space Project.

In Australia and internationally, matched funding programs have proven an effective incentive for leveraging private sector support to the arts. The MATCH program supports artists to identify and secure private sector support and build a sustainable arts practice.

Creative Partnerships Australia has a commitment of $323,448 in-principle funding to 54 artist-led projects around Australia through MATCH in 2015. A full list of artists and projects that have received in-principle funding is available here.

Cosmic Cambodia is one of the selected projects, currently crowd-fundraising on Pozible.   A trippy tropical rock opera... a psychedelic sci-fi fairytale fusing ancient epic tales with a funky, feisty take on contemporary Cambodia, and homage to the golden age of Khmer pop.

Hanuman Spaceman will bring together a team of artists and producers between Cambodia and Australia to create a shape-shifting music theatre work for the twenty-first century.  The project involves collaboration with Khmer musicians through the Khmer Cultural Development Institute.

MATCH is supported by the Australian Government through the Cultural Development Program of the Ministry for the Arts, Attorney-General’s Department.