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News & events > Melbourne and Tokyo in Mons European Capital of Culture

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15 Oct 2015 - 25 Oct 2015

Melbourne and Tokyo in Mons European Capital of Culture

None maisonfoliemonsmatador Home and Away is a programme of Mons European Capital of Culture. The Mons Maison Folie hosts artistic visits (residencies, shows, events, exhibitions) from non-European cities. Melbourne and Tokyo are among the invited guests. 'Ailleurs en Folie' - Home and Away - is giving space at the Maison Folie to eight non-European cities, with an artistic programming lasting 11 days for each city to present performances, residencies, concerts, games and even gastronomy.  A chance to travel to another culture in the heart of the Belgian city of Mons. The programming includes: aef-melbourneTake a break from the norm with the fifth Ailleurs en Folie/Home and Away event, devoted to Melbourne. Twinned with Mons (from a distance!), the Australian city was built over the course of many years of migration. The Maison Folie will embody this journey by becoming positively labyrinthine, with coloured tunnels, mazes in alleyways and meanderings through galleries. Come and explore the different audio and visual worlds of both Australian and home-grown artists.    

Tokyo, let's go !

The seventh Ailleurs en Folie/Home and Away destination is Tokyo, the city of contrasts, caught between secular traditions and ultra modernity. Welcome to your initiation to Japanese culture, where you will discover new flavours, manga cartoons, retrogaming, Harajuku fashion, robots, Furoshiki art, tea ceremonies, breakbeat music, interactive installations and exhibitions. Basically, the whole archipelago in Mons !   Top image: Maison Folie, Mons - architecture project by Matador